Article updated on May 4, 2023 at 9:24 AM GMT

HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim - Review

HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469

8.5 / 10

HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim

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Product Review: HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469

As a professional product reviewer, I have had the pleasure to test out the HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469. This premium keyboard is designed for demanding office and home applications, and it offers a sleek, sturdy, lightweight design that compliments any environment. In this review, I will discuss the features and benefits of this HP keyboard in detail.

Design and Build Quality:

One of the first things that I noticed about the HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469 is its premium quality build. The keyboard has a sturdy and durable design that is built to last. It is made with high-quality materials and ergonomic design principles in mind, which makes it comfortable to type on for extended periods of time.

Additionally, the keyboard has a slim and lightweight design that makes it easy to transport and use on the go. The slim profile of the keyboard also makes it a great choice for desks with limited space.

Layout and Functionality:

The HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469 has a universal Danish layout, which makes it perfect for users who are looking for a keyboard that accommodates their Danish language needs. The @ key is located above the number 2 key, which is a common feature of Danish keyboards.

In terms of functionality, this HP keyboard is built for reliability and rapid data entry. The keys have a comfortable tactile feel and are responsive, making typing a smooth and efficient experience. The keyboard is also equipped with a standard 1.8 cm cable length, which is long enough for most desk setups.


Another great feature of the HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469 is its compatibility with HP Business PC's. This keyboard comes as standard with HP Business PC's, which means that it is built to work seamlessly with these computers.

However, this keyboard is not exclusive to HP computers, and it can be used with any computer that has a USB port. This makes it a flexible and versatile option for users who are looking for a high-quality keyboard that can work with a variety of devices.


- Premium quality build

- Slim and lightweight design

- Universal Danish layout

- Comfortable and responsive keys

- Compatible with HP Business PC's and other devices with USB ports


- Price may be a bit steep for some users

- The @ key location may take some getting used to for users who are used to a different layout


The HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469 is an excellent choice for users who are looking for a premium quality keyboard that is built to last. It has a sleek and sturdy design, universal Danish layout, and is built for reliability and rapid data entry. It is compatible with HP Business PC's and other devices with USB ports, making it a versatile option for users who need a high-quality keyboard for their home or office.

Overall, I highly recommend the HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim USB KU-1469 to anyone who is looking for a top-of-the-line keyboard that delivers exceptional performance and reliability. Its quality and functionality make it well worth the investment.

HP Danish Keyboard Business Slim

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