Article updated on May 4, 2023 at 9:24 AM GMT

KOOLmouse [ Optical 2.4G Wireless - Review

KOOLmouse [ Optical 2.4G Wireless Mouse [ Cactus Painting Colorful Mexico Art ]

7.6 / 10

KOOLmouse [ Optical 2.4G Wireless

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KOOLmouse - The Wireless Mouse that Combines Ergonomic Design and Vibrant Art

Everyone has different tastes when it comes to computer peripherals, but one thing that everyone should agree on is how important it is to have a good-quality wireless mouse. The KOOLmouse is one option that aims to satisfy both your functional and aesthetic needs, with its ergonomic design and colorful cactus painting. In this product review, we'll take a closer look at what this wireless mouse has to offer, from its features to its customer reviews.

Design and Comfort

Starting off with the design, the KOOLmouse boasts a unique and eye-catching illustration of a cactus painting, inspired by colorful Mexico art. Whether you're a fan of the style or simply looking for something to spice up your desk setup, this mouse is sure to stand out among the generic black and grey models. The printing quality of the design is decent, with no noticeable smudging or fading.

In terms of ergonomics, the KOOLmouse has a curved shape that fits comfortably in your palm, relieving any strain from prolonged use. The mouse's slim profile also makes it easy to carry around in a bag or backpack. One thing to note, however, is that this mouse is designed for right-handed users, which may be a dealbreaker for lefties or ambidextrous users.

Connectivity and Functionality

Moving on to the technical aspects of the KOOLmouse, this wireless mouse connects to your computer via a USB receiver (included in the package). The receiver is compatible with USB 2.0 ports on both laptops and desktops, ensuring a stable and responsive connection. The mouse operates on a 2.4G wireless frequency, which is standard for most wireless mice and offers a range of up to 10 meters.

One of the key features of the KOOLmouse is its optical tracking technology, which allows the mouse to work on many different surfaces, including wood, plastic, and cloth. This means you won't have to worry about using a mousepad or finding a specific surface to use your mouse on. The mouse's sensitivity is also adjustable, with three settings (800/1200/1600 DPI) that can be changed by pressing a button on the underside of the mouse.

Customer Reviews

As of this writing, the KOOLmouse has an average rating of 3.8 stars out of 5 on the brand's website, based on four reviews. Let's take a closer look at what customers have been saying about their experience with this wireless mouse.

One customer was impressed with the mouse's ergonomic design, stating that it felt comfortable in their hand even after hours of use. They also praised the mouse's responsiveness and customization options. However, they did note that the mouse's scroll wheel can sometimes feel too sensitive.

Another customer was drawn in by the colorful cactus design, calling it "adorable". They also appreciated the mouse's wireless connectivity and reliable performance on various surfaces. However, they did mention that the mouse's battery life could be better, as it needs to be charged frequently.

A third customer shared a similar opinion on the mouse's design, stating that it added some personality to their desk setup. They also liked how easy it was to set up the mouse and connect it to their computer. However, they did criticize the mouse's click sound, describing it as "loud and clunky".

The fourth and final customer review had some mixed feelings about the KOOLmouse. They praised the mouse's sensitivity and tracking accuracy, as well as its affordable price. However, they had some issues with the mouse's overall build quality, describing it as "cheap and plasticky".


All in all, the KOOLmouse is a solid wireless mouse with some unique design elements. Its ergonomic shape and optical tracking technology make it a comfortable and functional pick for everyday use, while its colorful cactus painting adds some personality to your desk. However, customer reviews suggest that there are some areas of improvement, such as the battery life and click sound. If you're a fan of the cactus painting design and prioritize comfort over everything else, the KOOLmouse might just be the right fit for you.

KOOLmouse [ Optical 2.4G Wireless

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