Article updated on May 4, 2023 at 7:37 AM GMT

Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent - Review

Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent New Stickers for Keyboard ON Black Background

7.8 / 10

Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent

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Product Review: Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent New Stickers for Keyboard ON Black Background

Are you a fan of vintage typewriters? Do you want to add some retro charm to your computer keyboard without having to buy a whole new one? Then, the Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent New Stickers for Keyboard ON Black Background by 4Keyboard might be just what you're looking for. In this review, we'll take a closer look at this product, its features, and what customers have to say about it.

Design and Quality

These stickers are made of high-quality non-transparent, matt vinyl material. The typographical method used in printing ensures that the design is clear, sharp, and easy to read. The alphabets are spread onto non-transparent black background with a vintage typewriter font, giving it a classic and stylish look. The thickness of the vinyl stickers is 80mkn, which makes them durable and resistant to wear and tear.

Compatibility and Application

These stickers are compatible with a wide variety of keyboards, including desktops, laptops, and notebooks. 4Keyboard claims that the application process is easy and takes only 10-15 minutes of your time. This can be a great solution for those who are struggling with faded or worn out keyboard keys.

Customer Reviews

At the time of writing this review, the Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent New Stickers for Keyboard ON Black Background has received 13 reviews with 3.9 out of 5 stars. Some customers have praised the product for its great design and easy application process. Others have noted that the stickers can be tricky to apply without wrinkles or bubbles, especially if you have a keyboard with non-standard key sizes. Some customers have also reported that the adhesive on the stickers can wear off over time, causing them to curl up or fall off.


Overall, the Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent New Stickers for Keyboard ON Black Background by 4Keyboard can be a great way to add some vintage flair to your computer keyboard. The stickers are made from high-quality, durable material and feature an attractive design that's easy to read. However, the application process can be a little tricky, and the adhesive may not hold up over time. If you're looking for an affordable way to upgrade your keyboard's appearance without buying a whole new one, these stickers are definitely worth considering.

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Vintage Typewriter English US Non-Transparent

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