Article updated on April 30, 2023 at 7:15 AM GMT

Sheawasy Camera Glasses Video Glasses - Review

Sheawasy Camera Glasses Video Glasses Hands-Free HD Video Glasses with Camera (32GB Included)

7.2 / 10

Sheawasy Camera Glasses Video Glasses

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Sheawasy Camera Glasses Review: Hands-Free HD Video Glasses with Camera (32GB Included)

As a professional product reviewer, I always try to find unique and innovative products to review. Today, I'm going to review the Sheawasy Camera Glasses, a product that I found particularly interesting. These hands-free HD video glasses with a camera are designed to give you a perspective similar to your own while recording your adventures. With a 32GB memory, these camera glasses provide ample space for storing all of your videos.

Design and Build Quality

The Sheawasy Camera Glasses come with a black finish, which makes them look sleek and elegant. The glasses are designed with an unnoticeable lens located behind a small hole on the left side of the glasses. The lens is so subtle that you can barely tell that there is a camera in it.

The body of the glasses is made from high-quality plastic material that is durable. The glasses are lightweight and comfortable to wear, and they can fit both men and women. Additionally, the glasses come with a hard protection case, which is a nice touch to keep them safe and secure.

Recording Quality

The Sheawasy Camera Glasses feature full HD recording at 1080p @ 30fps, which is impressive for such a small device. The camera lens has a 70° angle, which captures a wide view of the action. However, it is worth noting that these video glasses are a video-only device, with no sound function. Therefore, if you need to capture sound, these glasses might not be the best option for you.

Another significant feature of these glasses is that they provide an eye-level perspective similar to your own. This feature is particularly useful for activities such as biking, hiking or any other adventure where you want to capture the world as you see it.

Ease of Use

Whether you're a tech-savvy person or not, the Sheawasy Camera Glasses are incredibly easy to use. The glasses come with a simple user manual that guides you through the various functions of the glasses. To start recording a video, you only need to long-press the power button, and the glasses will start recording. To take a photo, you can quickly press the power button. That's it! It is that simple.

Memory and Storage Capacity

The camera glasses come with an impressive 32GB of memory, providing ample space for storing all of your videos. The glasses can easily connect to your PC through a USB cable that comes with the package, making it easy to transfer video files. You can also use a memory card with the glasses if you need more storage space.

Customer Reviews

The Sheawasy Camera Glasses have an average rating of 3.6 out of 5 stars, with 305 customer reviews. Some customers loved the product for its sleek design, high-quality recording, and ease of use. Other customers, however, had some complaints about the glasses, such as the black screen issue or the poor battery life.


The Sheawasy Camera Glasses are a unique and innovative product that is perfect for anyone who wants to capture adventures in a way that is similar to one's perspective. The glasses are sleek, easy to use, and provide impressive video quality. However, the glasses have some issues that customers have highlighted, such as the black screen issue. If you are looking for an affordable product to record your adventures, the Sheawasy Camera Glasses are worth considering.

Sheawasy Camera Glasses Video Glasses

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