Article updated on May 4, 2023 at 4:55 AM GMT

Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller - Review

Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller

8.2 / 10

Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller

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Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller: A Revolution in Meeting Room Technology

If you’re someone who frequently attends meetings at the office, you know how frustrating it can be to have to navigate all of the different technology needed for a successful session. That’s why the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller is such a game changer for meeting room technology.

First, let’s talk about the design of this touch controller. It’s sleek and modern, with a minimalist appearance that won’t detract from the decor of any conference room. It’s easy to install and use, with a clear interface that will make even the most technologically-challenged user feel comfortable using it.

One of the key features of the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller is its compatibility with a wide range of platforms. Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or any other video conferencing software, you’ll be able to use the touch controller to easily start and manage your meeting. The controller also integrates with popular calendar tools like Outlook and Google Calendar, making it simple to schedule and manage your meetings in advance.

In addition to its versatility, the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller also boasts impressive functionality. Its built-in microphone and speaker allow you to join your meeting with just the touch of a button, and the controller is designed to work seamlessly with Logitech’s own Rally camera, which provides crystal-clear video quality. The touch controller’s touchscreen display makes it simple to mute your microphone, adjust the volume, and even share your screen with just a few taps.

Another great feature of the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller is its compatibility with both Windows and Mac operating systems. This makes it a great choice for businesses that have employees with different computer setups, as everyone can use the same touch controller regardless of their operating system.

Of course, no product is perfect, and the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller is no exception. Some customers have reported that it can be difficult to connect to certain video conferencing platforms, and that the setup process can be a bit tricky. However, most users agree that once you’ve got the touch controller up and running, it’s incredibly easy to use.

In terms of customer ratings, the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller has received a solid 4.1 out of 5 stars from nine reviews. Customers praise its ease of use, impressive functionality, and sleek design. One reviewer said, "This touch controller is exactly what our conference room needed. It makes it so much easier to manage our meetings, and the video and audio quality are both excellent."

Overall, if you’re looking for a way to make your conference room technology more user-friendly and streamlined, the Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller is definitely worth considering. While it may require some initial setup, its impressive functionality, versatility, and ease of use make it a fantastic choice for businesses of all sizes.

Logitech 939-001796 Tap Touch Controller

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