Article updated on April 27, 2023 at 6:10 PM GMT

Atomos Ninja V Ninja V - Review

Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01

9.2 / 10

Atomos Ninja V Ninja V

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Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01: A Review

If you are a filmmaker or a video content creator, the Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 is a tool that you cannot afford to miss. This compact HDR monitor/recorder is the ideal companion for anyone who wants to capture footage with confidence and extend their creative boundaries.

HDR Monitoring

The Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 comes with a bright 5-inch, HDR display that provides accurate monitoring of the image directly from your camera. With a brightness of 1000nit, you can easily monitor your footage even in daylight. The monitor is compatible with a wide range of professional digital cinema, DSLR, and mirrorless cameras via HDMI or SDI with one of the optional accessories.

RAW Recording

This monitor/recorder supports industry-standard formats such as Apple ProRes, Apple ProRes RAW, Avid DNxHR/HD & HEVC (H.265), making it the ideal choice for a variety of applications. With RAW recording, you get superior image quality that helps you to capture your footage with confidence.

Expand Beyond Playback and Review

The Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 is not just a playback and review device but also a tool for capturing your footage. You can review and tag your favorite takes to create playlists, and you can also extend your creative boundaries with this tool.

Compact and Rugged

This device is lightweight, compact, and rugged, making it the perfect choice for filmmakers and videographers who are always on the go. You can use it on a tripod, handheld, or mounted on a gimbal, and you can be sure that it will deliver the results you need.

What's in the Box/Warranty

The Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 comes with a battery eliminator, an international DC power supply, a MasterCaddy II, and a Quick Start Guide. The device also comes with a one-year warranty, which gives you peace of mind knowing that you are covered in case of any defects or malfunctions.

Customer Reviews

The Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 has received 785 reviews on various platforms, with an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars. Customers who have used this tool praise its compactness, durability, and versatility, making it a valuable addition to their filmmaking and videography workflow.


The Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01 is an excellent investment for any filmmaker or video content creator. Its compactness, ruggedness, and versatility make it the ideal tool for capturing footage with confidence and extending your creative boundaries. The device offers a wide range of features that are essential for any professional filming or videography project, and its compatibility with various cameras makes it a must-have tool for anyone in the industry. With the Atomos Ninja V Ninja V 4Kp60 10bit HDR Daylight Viewable 1000nit Portable Monitor/Recorder ATOMNJAV01, you can be sure that you are getting the best possible results for all your filming and video content creation needs.

Atomos Ninja V Ninja V

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